Myrtle Beach Family Golf Fundraising Tips
Hosting a mini golf tournament is a great fundraiser for school clubs, youth sports teams, church groups, and cheerleading squads. A tournament such as this can be great fun if organized properly. A mini golf tournament can raise considerable funds for any organization. With the choice of four excellent family fun courses, and the option for a 54-hitting spot Driving Range, your options for a successful event are exceptional. The Courses are ADA compliant–Captain Hooks, Jurassic Golf, and Shipwreck Island Adventure. This is an added advantage, since this offers a larger player base.
Getting Started
Contact our Group Sales Manager to arrange a date and time, and to determine which Myrtle Beach Family Mini Golf location best suits the needs of your tournament. Early planning will help you achieve successful results. Seasonal factors will affect availability, but the majority of the time you can arrange either a flat payment for exclusive facility use or a per game fee that is substantially lower than standard rates. Options are available through Group Sales.
To maximize attendance, price your golf event tickets at reasonable prices. Offer attractive variations like a flat-rate family ticket, discounts for students, or advance purchases. Team pricing is an effective way to maximize your number of players.
After booking a date, you will need to publicize your event. To get the word out, prepare a press release and distribute the press release to the major media outlets in your market. Keep the focus on the most newsworthy aspect of your Myrtle Beach Family Mini Golf tournament; such as, why you are raising funds and what the ultimate benefit of your golf fundraiser will be?
For example, if you are raising funds to help a specific person with medical expenses, feature that person’s story in the press release. If you are raising funds for a cause or specific organization, focus your story on the positive effect those dollars will provide.
Do not forget to use posters in store windows, community newsletters, email, and other methods to stimulate interest in your golf tournament.
Profit Tips
One way to raise funds is to get local businesses to sponsor a hole. Myrtle Beach Family Mini Golf will donate the use of signage for your event to display your hole sponsors names. All you have to do is print the name of your sponsor on a standard 8.5” x 11” paper and attach to our signage. Keep the prices reasonable, such as $25 to $75 per hole. Sponsors in turn would get signage acknowledging their contribution beside each putting tee.
Think like a business person. Encourage your sponsors to offer something creative, such as, two-for-one coupons given to all players or offer a prize to everyone who beats a certain score or gets a hole in one on the 18th hole. Ultimately, offering give-a-ways will spur business for your sponsors.
In lieu of sponsorships, businesses can donate items or services to use as prizes for lowest score, best bank shot, etc.

Fundraising Activities
Other activities can be included at your Myrtle Beach Family Mini Golf tournament to raise funds. Your group can sell raffle tickets for a donated prize or, lacking a suitable prize, sell Mulligans for an extra shot, or organize a 50/50 cash raffle where the winning ticket gets half the raffle sales amount.
Do not forget to ask for donations. Considerable funds have been raised simply by placing a jug labeled “Donations” right next to where players pay for their rounds.
A Myrtle Beach Family Mini Golf fundraiser is fantastic fun and can be a very profitable event if organized effectively. Family Mini Golf will be available to assist your event organizers every step of the way. Most importantly, you should remember to maximize the turnout at your event, you need advance publicity.
REMEMBER—Make your event fun! You will be pleasantly surprised at how profitable your Myrtle Beach Family Mini Golf fundraiser can be!